Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pieces of the Past

As I stated before, design surrounds and affects society in every direction turned. But how each individual reacts to their surroundings is completely different, and, well, individual. This is because of the unique experiences and history surrounding each person’s life; your life up to the point you experience a specific design dictates how you will perceive that specific piece.

Recently I experienced the exhibit African-American Quilts: The Saundra McPherson Collection and the Avis C. Robinson Collection in The Nelson at University of California Davis. As I drank in the individuality of the quilts and the beauty of the fabrics which they were composed of, each of the quilts took on a unique character.

Some were warm, welcoming, and worn like an old pair of jeans (coincidentally upon further inspection the medium was actually old jeans). Others looked loved and treasured like an old quilt made by your grandmother with love and care. Reminding me of sunsets, vibrant bold colors consisting of rich velvet and corduroy contradict the delicate and fragile soft pastel yellow and lavender hues of others. Still others bold, black and white with splashes of red made a definite statement juxtaposed by other quilts composed of a heartfelt concoction of meaningful fabrics.

Design has the ability to make an impression on the audience and stir up feelings which bring back memories of one’s past experiences. My descriptions make known a little piece of me to the reader of this blog. However, another person might be affected completely differently from the same exhibit. Pieces are designed for others to soak in and be affected by, because what would design be without a diverse audience to appreciate it??

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