Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Society: Influencing to be influenced

Like I said before, design is everywhere. But the ideas and inspirations for all these have to come from somewhere. These ideas can be influenced by anything that the creator comes into contact with--either in the present or references to events in the past.

Before the idea forms there has to be a need. To meet this new found need, designers then come up with the idea. This idea then forms--being shaped and influenced by the designers surroundings and elements that come into contact. These influences must be found outside one’s self.

These influences could be anywhere and are everywhere, natural or another’s manmade design. The simple swaying of a tree branch in the wind, the shape and angle of a chair, the ripples of a leaf falling in a pond or the dynamics of a passing car, simple everyday events, all could influence a designer’s existing idea or give birth to a new one. I can not tell you what influences designers. It is different for every designer, for every idea, for every circumstance.

The diversity of society drives and influences the very designs that are created for the people’s need or pleasure. I come to the conclusion that society is the inspiration that drives those to create for it. Society is influencing to be in turn influenced by the outcome--the design.

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