Sunday, October 11, 2009

Enlightening the Senses

Our world is not purely a visual experience--the scene comes alive through all of your five senses. When experiencing a sunset, the eyes do not just take in the canvas of melting colors. But the smells of the sea spray, the taste of a steaming mug of coffee, and the voices of the waves crashing against the shell-lined shore make the picture whole. Design works in the same way.

Just as nature’s art is absorbed, we experience a design with our entire body. By using all of our senses, it allows the design to be more fully understood and seen more clearly. Looking back on the quilt exhibit, I realized why each quilt exudes a unique character. It is because each individual quilt communicated to each of the senses. The quiet, cool, concrete room created a blank slate, void of influencing factors relating to the interpretation of the pieces.

For example, the stark contrast of the warm, rich, purple velvet juxtaposed against he cold, taupe concrete made me feel like they were reaching out around me and wrapping me up--warm and comforting, I could smell the chicken soup being made with the familiar sounds of my mother’s voice in the background. So you see?? I did not just “see” a quilt but I recalled a memory in it’s entirety.

Design is a full body experience. It enlightens all the senses and makes us recall a certain memory, think about something in a new light, and learn a little about ourselves, someone else, or the world around us.

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